9 Best Foods For Discus Fish 2022 - Reviews & Top Picks

The right settings and surroundings can bring out the vibrant colors and vibrant personalities of the discus.

Fry will consume secretions from both parents, but this is not a realistic diet for most owners to provide their fin buddies.

Fortunately, there is a wide variety of foods available to feed your fish, whether you are a first-time cichlid owner or are hoping to improve the diet of your existing discus.

Mixing dishes that mimic what discus eat in the wild can help fish thrive. You should provide a variety of foods and don't forget that they like to snack from time to time, especially ground beef or mealworms.

Fish have very specific dietary needs, and the food you feed them determines their healthiness and coloration.

To save you time and effort, BestForPets (bestforpets.org) has collated reviews of the best foods for discus fish options so you can choose the perfect diet for your pet once and for all.


source https://bestforpets.org/best-foods-for-discus-fish/


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