For Your Pet, The Best Dog Foods For Basset Hounds of 2022

What's not to adore about drooping eyes and long, floppy ears? Basset hounds have a knack for finding their way into your heart, and despite their large size (up to 65 pounds), they make terrific snuggle pals.

Basset Hounds were bred to be energetic and to hunt. This breed is a voracious eater, with a nose second only to the bloodhound in detecting odors. Unfortunately, too much food and not enough activity will result in your Basset being fat and at risk of significant health problems. Feeding them nutritious, high-quality dog food will keep them healthy and fit.
BestForPets ( made things a little simpler for you by listing some of the best dog foods for Basset hounds based on their age and size—all you have to do now is remain strong and don't give in to those puppy dog looks at lunchtime!




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