The 8 Best Dog Foods For Chow Chows of 2022

Who doesn't love the adorable Chow Chow? The Chow Chow is a medium-sized dog with short pointed ears and a thick, muscular coat. The breed is believed to have originated in Siberia or China and shares DNA with wolves.

Chows were bred as adapted working dogs by the ancient Chinese aristocracy and farmers. They helped in hunting, herding, and fighting in conflicts and were devoted friends. These powerful fangs can also pull sleds and have been raised and farmed for human food.

They were originally bred to be working dogs. However, they are not overly hyperactive or aggressive. They may live in an apartment or townhouse, but they need at least one daily walk to burn off excess energy. Having said that, these medium-sized dogs require a diet rich in protein, lipids, and carbohydrates.

The following article from BestForPets ( will summarize the best foods for chow chow dogs.




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