10 Fascinating Facts About Your Cat’s Ears (You Had No Idea)

Cats are extraordinary creatures. It is simply mind-boggling how they can snuggle up in your lap one minute and then hunt a mouse in the kitchen with such stealth and precision the next. Ears are one of the most intriguing features of a cat. Yes, cats need their ears for hearing, but there is so much cat owners don't know about their ears.

In "10 Fascinating Facts About Your Cat’s Ears (You Had No Idea)" by BestForPets (bestforpets.org) we will examine 10 surprising facts regarding the ears of your cat.

This information will demonstrate how great your cat is and help you see why you should take extra care of your cat's ears.


source https://bestforpets.org/fascinating-facts-about-your-cats-ears/


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