4 Common Reasons Why Your Cat’s Ears Are Back

The ears of your feline buddy are, together with its tail and eyes, one of its most expressive features. The 32 muscles in each ear allow a cat to independently swivel, spin, and guide its hearing apparatus.

They do this to locate the source of the sound, but the location of their ears can also reveal a lot about how they feel.

If a cat's ears are pinned back, it's often because of hostility, fear, or rage. Keep in mind that every cat is unique, and that context is everything when interpreting body language cues like a cat's ears or tail. Examine your cat's behavior, the activity that led to the ailment, and its immediate surroundings.

You may find out more about the significance of your cat's erect ears and what other ear positions could mean by reading "4 Common Reasons Why Your Cat’s Ears Are Back" on BestForPets (bestforpets.org).


source https://bestforpets.org/reasons-why-cats-ears-are-back/


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