7 Simple Steps To Teach Cat To Fetch

You wish to train your cat to retrieve. It is an amusing idea and a delightful game to play with your cat. But the issue remains: can a cat be trained to accomplish anything?

The good news is that training your cat is easier than you may believe.

Many are unconcerned with training their cats because they think cats to be too independent and willful. Cats differ from dogs in numerous ways, but educating them doesn't have to be one of them.

The same fundamental training technique applies to cats and dogs (and any animal, really). If the animal enjoys the result, it will repeat the activity.

Hence, to teach your cat to fetch, you must make the procedure fun. You must provide your cat with a goal to strive for.

In "7 Simple Steps To Teach Cat To Fetch" by BestForPets (bestforpets.org), we explain the process in detail.


source https://bestforpets.org/how-to-teach-cat-to-fetch/


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