What To Do When Cat Scratched Your Eye?

Cats typically won't scratch people unless they provoke them or are scared of them, but accidents can happen occasionally.

Scratches from rough play with your kitten or cat can quickly occur and can be quite unpleasant, especially in delicate regions like your eye.

Even if your cat only scratched your eyelid, you must act swiftly if your eye has been rubbed. If your cat has scratched your eyes, things might soon get severe because cats can carry bacteria under their claws that can swiftly lead to illnesses in even the slightest wounds.

Follow the instructions in "What To Do When Cat Scratched Your Eye?" by BestForPets (bestforpets.org) if a cat scratched the eye of you or someone you know.


source https://bestforpets.org/cat-scratched-your-eye-what-to-do/


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