Why Do Cats Use Litter Boxes? Is the Litterbox Required for All Cats?

Dogs often eliminate outside, but cats typically utilize a litter box. Why did this distinction emerge, and why do these two popular creatures utilize the restroom so differently?

In contrast to dogs, cats have a natural inclination to defecate on a loose surface. In the wild, cats would bury their feces in sandy or loose dirt. As this is a natural activity, training a cat to execute this task inside is often straightforward.

In addition, cats are tiny enough that we can meet their demands indoors. A cat-sized litterbox does not require a great deal of space. Yet, could you image the big a litterbox for a huge dog would need to be?

Some cats are trained to use their litterbox outside. Nonetheless, it is typically not advised to let your cat to go outside.

Due to the fact that cats are frequently untrained to walk on leashes and can leap over fences, it is difficult to confine them outside (like you can with a dog). Hence, an indoor solution for their litter box needs is frequently necessary.

Continue reading "Why Do Cats Use Litter Boxes? Is the Litterbox Required for All Cats?" by BestForPets (bestforpets.org) for further details.


source https://bestforpets.org/why-cats-use-litter-boxes/


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