6 Human Foods Are Good For Diabetic Dogs!

Like people, dogs are susceptible to developing diabetes. Although it usually occurs in senior dogs, it can happen at any moment if your pet isn't healthy.

Your dog can be protected from developing diabetes if you feed them a healthy diet and make sure they get enough of activity on a daily basis.

Yet even if you're the best dog parent ever, your pet still could get diabetes. Diabetes, however, is not fatal on its own. Your doctor can work with you to develop a unique diet and care routine that will keep your dog happy and healthy far into old life. The health of your diabetic dog might also be improved by feeding it table scraps.

"6 Human Foods Are Good For Diabetic Dogs!" by BestForPets (bestforpets.org) listed seven options for your dog.


source https://bestforpets.org/what-human-foods-can-i-feed-diabetic-dog/


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