Do Dogs Need Vitamin E? Benefits and Risks?

Dogs need vitamin E. It is a vital vitamin that supplies antioxidants that prevent free radical damage. Free radicals are negatively charged atoms that are produced by your dog's natural metabolism.

But, when dogs or humans are unwell or under stress, their systems manufacture more of these particles, and an excess of free radicals frequently leads to illnesses such as arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

Due to increased oxidative stress, dogs will release more free radicals when exposed to environmental pollutants and pesticides. Hence, free radicals are essentially byproducts of different chemical events within the cell. When they accumulate, they are harmful to the body's cells.

Although dogs require vitamin E, it is not always necessary to supplement their food with this ingredient. Most commercial dog meals of good quality that fulfill the standards of the American Association of Food Control Officials (AAFCO) include more than enough vitamin E to keep your dog healthy.

Continue reading "Do Dogs Need Vitamin E? Benefits and Risks?" by BestForPets ( to learn more about dogs and this essential vitamin.




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