Protein Sources for Cats: 2023 Vet Feeding Guide

Cats thrive on a diet rich in protein. Nevertheless, this does not always indicate that a high-protein meal is excellent for your cat; the source of the protein is what important. So, what are the greatest protein sources for cats?

Prior to answering this question, it is necessary to assess a cat's natural diet, which defines the best protein sources for the animal.

Like with their wild relatives, domestic cats are obligate (true) carnivores, meaning they receive all the nutrition they need from animal meat.

Because dogs are not obligate carnivores, they may consume plant-based diets without negative repercussions. Yet, cats lack the physiology required to digest plant material.

Thus, animal meat is the finest protein source for cats.

Whether you are purchasing commercial cat food or producing food for your cat at home, verify that it is based on meat.

Thus, "Protein Sources for Cats: 2023 Vet Feeding Guide" by BestForPets ( includes the greatest sources of animal-based protein for cats:




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